Thursday 27 May 2021



Keys are instrument used for operating various types of locks. Keys are important for safety and security purposes for guest as well as hotel. Every good lock should have a unique key and should not be opened by any unauthorized persons. There are many different locking systems used in hotels. These include:

        Individual locks and keys put on a bolt small establishments.

        Built in door lock with a double locking system opened using traditional key.

        Built in door lock with a double locking system opened using card key.

A double lock is a kind of latch that when put in from  inside  the  room, cannot be opened from outside the room except with emergency key.

Apart from this another safety feature magic eye or security  chain  is  put  in place from inside

the guest room to protect guest’s privacy.

Types of keys used in Hotels:

The housekeeping department is primarily concerned with the following categories of keys

1.        Guestroom keys

2.        Sub Master key / Section master keys

3.        Floor Supervisor keys/ Floor master key

4.        Master key/ Pass key

5.        Grandmaster key / Emergency key

6.        Supply room keys

Guestroom keys: These are keys issued to guests upon their registration. The hotel guest room key is normally issued to open only one room for which it

was intended viz. individualized key for each lock. The guestroom key opens a single guestroom so long as it is not double locked. Once the guest checks out, it must be returned at the front desk.


Sub Master Key / Section Master key: A GRA is given this key to open the room he or she is assigned to clean on a floor. The floor key opens all rooms on a particular floor that are not double locked. Floor keys typically open the storeroom or floor pantry for that floor too.


Floor  Master  key: Key  operates  all sections on the floor /floor supervised by the particular supervisor. A Supervisor may be  issued  more  than  one  key  of this type as he or she may be required to inspect the work of more than one GRA.


Pass key/Master key: A master key is used to open all doors of the hotel, including the floor door itself if they are not double locked. This key is used to supervise and examine the work done by maids and room boys, as well as in emergency purposes. The Master keys are used only by the head of housekeeping and are not given to anyone else that has a lesser authority. This key is kept by the deputy or assistant housekeeper. It  opens  any  internal door that has not been double locked. These keys open all guestroom doors that are not double locked


Grandmaster key/ Emergency key: This key opens all hotel guestrooms and often all housekeeping storage rooms as well even if they are double locked. This key usually held by the Chief or Duty Manager at the time of the afternoon, and is used to open the locked door or twice  in  double  lock.  Double  Lock  occurs. This key can be  used  in  emergency  situation.  It  is  kept under lock and key either at Housekeeping or at the front desk of hotel.

Supply room  keys:  These keys are used within the servicing sector of the hotel by the supervisory level staff to ensure that stocks and equipment are  safely stored away when not in use.


KEY CONTROL:    Key control is the procedure of reducing guest property theft and  other  security   related   incidents   by   carefully   monitoring   and   tracking of keys. Following policies should be considered for control of keys.

1.        Issuing keys

2.        Custody of keys

3.        Loss of keys

4.        Changing locks and keys


Issuing keys

1.     Guest room keys: these keys are handed over to the guest on his arrival after completing registration facilities. Guest is requested to submit these keys at front desk whenever he leaves the hotel premises.

2.     Other keys: all section master keys, master key and grand master keys should be  signed out each time they are taken and their return noted in a key control sheet. All keys should be stamped do not duplicate.


Key control sheet

Custody of keys


These are the measures to be taken while the key is with a guest or employee after being issued as per the correct procedure.


         Usually master keys are to be attached to the belt / uniform of an employee at the beginning of the shift to prevent loss / misplacing it.

         Employees are not be allowed to loan the  keys assigned to  them  to one another.

       Employees have to hand over keys whenever they leave the property.

       Spot checks should take place to ensure that keys are in right hands.


Loss of keys

This is a time when particular vigilance must be exercised


         If a section master key is lost under circumstances that may result in a guest being at risk, the entire section should be re-keyed.

         If a master key or grand master key is lost under any circumstance, it must  be reported to the owner or the corporate office immediately by the general manager.


Changing locks and keys


Whenever a new key is made or a new lock is fitted, certain precautions are necessary


         A record must be kept on how many keys are made for each room and they are made.

       A log must be kept of all locks change and re-keys



 Metals room  keys  are  being  replaced  by  electronically  coded  key cards.  Many  hotels  now-a-days  are  using  card  key  system.  A  card   key, while not actually considered a key, is a plastic card which stores a digital signature that is used with electronic  access  control  locks.  It  is  normally  a flat, rectangular piece of plastic and may also serve as an ID card for the guest. The Plastic cards look like credit cards  with  holes  punched  in  them.  Some have a magnetic strip instead of the holes. The System uses a computer that codes the cards to lock and unlock the doors. Rather than re- keying the door locks in case of loss of keys the computer is used  to  create new  room  lock codes for each room. Master keys may  be  easily  created  and  destroyed through the computerized card system. The security  advantage  of  the  key cards has made it popular and many medium and large sized  hotels  are adopting this key-card system.



Lost and found is a term used in hotel terms for those articles left by guests or misplaced by guests in a hotel. Such articles can range from jewellery, costly electronic goods, travel documents, to simple garments.  The  hotel  is  obliged to protect such  items  and  return  to  the guests. All unclaimed articles found on the hotel premises should be handed over to the housekeeping control desk.



1.            When the article is found the housekeeping staff, usually room attendants and public area houseman, must immediately report this to the immediate supervisor.

2.         The supervisor (the floor supervisor or the public area supervisor) immediately informs the control desk attendant.

3.        The control desk attendant will verify with the front office cashier whether a resident guest is still in the process of paying his or her bill or whether guest has checked out. If the guest is still available, if guest is contacted for the handed \over of the article to guest.

4.        The lobby manager is informed in case those guests, who may be visitors the hotel and not residing in it, are to be contacted to lodge a complaint.

5.       Any where in the  hotel,  if  an  article  is  found  by  an  employee  which is not traceable to owner, is handed over at the Housekeeping control desk.

6.       There is a lockable cupboard (even locker for valuables) or a storage room near desk to store lost and found items.

7.       The desk supervisor is responsible for  keeping  the  keys  of  lost  & found room and maintaining records thereof.

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